Chrissy D Chrissy D

Miss R.

Miss R. is such a phenomenal human. If she isn’t volunteering at local animal shelters, she’s helping build houses for habitat for humanity. she’s also loads of fun to talk to, and recently made theeee most gorgeous bride! Hear her take on what a boudoir session was like…

Can you tell me a little bit more about why you decided to do a boudoir shoot?

-I did the shoot for a gift for my husband. We just got married, and I wanted to do something special for him. I didn't realize how amazing the pictures would turn out, and I really wish I did it sooner for myself!

What were your fears before doing a boudoir session?

-I was nervous about how I would look in the outfits. I am a pretty conservative person, so I wasn't sure how that would turn out.

How did you feel after the session?

-I couldn't wait to see the pictures! Everything Chrissy did made me feel comfortable, and my hair/makeup were ON POINT!

What was it like working with Chrissy?

-She was amazing, funny, and made me feel more comfortable than I thought I would. I was pleased with how the session went, and I like how she made me laugh.

What was your favorite part of the session?

-I like how there were so many outfits to choose from, and Chrissy used her expertise and experience to help me pick which ones to wear. She is so creative and has an eye for perfection---so no matter what outfit I was in, or what position, she made me feel like a queen.

What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story…

-It made me appreciate my body more!

What would you tell anyone who was afraid to take the plunge?

-I would say do it....YESTERDAY! Don't wait! There is never a "perfect" schedule ASAP and do it now. You can re-do it a year or two or five later. Every day is a blessing, and you can document how gorgeous you are at different stages of life.

ENJOY SOME MORE PHOTOS FROM THIS stunner who brought the heat!!!

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Chrissy D Chrissy D

Miss Lauren Nicole…

Lauren Nicole on her experience going from our studio make-up artist to actual client!

Hear thoughts from Lauren Nicole (In Beauty Artistry), One of our gorgeous & talented make-up artists, about her experience being a client for the day…

Can you tell me a little bit more about why you decided to do a boudoir shoot?

-I did my photoshoot for myself. My body has gone through changes over the years and I really wanted to capture it at this stage in my life. I had my Birthday in January, and it was the perfect time for a pick me up and celebration of life and this body that's carried me along the way.

What were your fears before doing a boudoir session?

-I didn't really have any fears. I felt very comfortable with Chrissy after seeing her working with so many clients that I knew that I was in good hands.

How did you feel after the session?

-I felt inspired, elevated, and really excited to see the outcome!

What was it like working with Chrissy?

-Chrissy made me feel very comfortable. I loved the atmosphere of the photo session and her vision she shared with me on each look. I really loved her creativity with the styling, as well. I feel that she is the TOTAL PACKAGE when it comes to the Boudoir Photography realm. She is friendly, patient, artistic, and a visionary! She was also really great with direction and posing, which HELPS A LOT! I have worked with many photographers over the past 15 years, and she is most definitely at the top of my list!

What was your favorite part of the session?

-My favorite part of the season was the styling of each outfit and the backdrop / background we used for each look. I LOVE IT!

What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story…

-I do feel that this photo session gave me the extra boost I needed! I was going through some things around this time of year, and this really helped me to remember who the F*** I am! I know that may sound silly, or even a bit intense...but it's true! This photoshoot reminded me that I still have what it takes and I can truly do anything in life! I totally felt the confidence boost and it was the perfect timing. Everything aligned beautifully. <3

What would you tell anyone who was afraid to take the plunge?

-GO FOR IT! You only live once, and you should capture as many moments as you can! This is an ELEVATING experience that you truly will never forget!

Enjoy some more photos from this Babe that may be slaying your face and hair in the near future!!!

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Chrissy D Chrissy D

Miss R…

“On reveal day, I saw myself in ways I didn’t think I could be seen any more—I felt stunning and sensual in some pictures, beautiful and playful in others, and powerful and downright sexy in more…”

Miss R. was gracious enough to answer some questions about her experience and even offer advice to aspiring clients…I resonated so much with what she said that I was moved to tears with some parts of this interview!!! Love this girl right here!

Can you tell me a little bit more about why you decided to do a boudoir shoot?

-I wanted to regain confidence in myself. As time goes on, my body keeps changing and it will likely never look the way it did in my early twenties. I wanted to see myself in a new way, to learn to love myself how I am at this moment.

What were your fears before doing a boudoir session?

-I was scared that I wouldn’t have any good photos. I was afraid that I was only going to see the parts of myself that I didn’t like. I was worried that I would get so far into my head during the photo shoot that I wouldn’t enjoy the process at all.

How did you feel after the session?

-Elated and exhausted. I had such a great time with the process—from hair and makeup to wardrobe to the actual shoots—that I thought that even if my pictures didn’t turn out the way I had hoped, it was still absolutely worth it to get to feel good about myself.

What was it like working with Chrissy?

-Chrissy is the ultimate hype woman. She’s sensitive to the parts of yourself that you may not feel most confident about and works with you to highlight what you do enjoy about yourself. She’s conscientious of your journey and your comfort with yourself, and if you’re open to trying new things, she’s right there with a dozen ideas.

What was your favorite part of the session?

-I loved getting to try new things with different backgrounds. One of the places we shot was at a park, and there was something honestly magical about sitting on a throne in the park in a crown and a cascading robe to take pictures where I looked and felt powerful. Other backgrounds inspired sensual feelings or laughter or joy, and it was so freeing to get to explore all the different emotions and part of myself.

What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story…

-I am confident at work and in my own home, but I put so much effort into making sure I am “useful” because of how low my self worth can be a lot of the time. I wanted to do this shoot to try to improve my own self image, to start to love myself again.

At one point during the session, one of my favorite songs started to play and I just started dancing. Chrissy was right there taking pictures, and I remember thinking after we were done, that while the dancing had been fun and I had genuinely enjoyed myself, I knew I wouldn’t like the pictures at all. My body isn’t the same as it was when I danced in high school or went to parties in college, and I never liked the pictures taken back then, so how could I like the ones taken now?

On slideshow day, I saw myself in ways I didn’t think I could be seen any more—I felt stunning and sensual in some pictures, beautiful and playful in others, and powerful and downright sexy in more. But even after seeing all of those other images and feeling so good about myself, I still dreaded the prospect of facing those dancing photos, sure that they would wind up being cut if any had even made it into contention to begin with. I never expected to love them.

The set of pictures Chrissy took while I was dancing turned out to be my favorite ones. I look so happy, just enjoying myself and the music and the sunshine, and so, so comfortable in my own skin. Those photos made me realize that I don’t have to be in control to be confident in myself. It was transformative, to see myself in a moment of unguarded joy and to love the way it made me look.

What would you tell anyone who was afraid to take the plunge?

-Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And go for it.

Enjoy some more photos from this stunner!!!

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